In this section of the 1st edition of the Munsell Book of Color from 1929, 24 traditional color names are identified along with charts outlining their hue, value and chroma.
A study of over 2,000 names colors which have been collected from sample cards and various other sources, leads to the conclusion that color names may be divided into two groups. Certain color names, such as “pink,” “brown,” “orange,” etc., have a traditional association with fairly definite areas or ranges of colors. On the other hand, many other color names are of more recent origin and have not been used with the necessary definiteness for a sufficient length of time to warrant classifying them as traditional color names.
The student of color in his own work should, if possible, avoid the use of traditional color names, because they apply to areas of color rather than to specific colors. It is only by recognizing and using the three dimensions of color that he can accurately comprehend and describe the difference between any two colors, and especially between any two “pinks,” “browns,” etc. However, in describing color to those who have not had the opportunity of studying the simple method of color notation described in this book, it is sometimes helpful to know the correlation between this exact color notation and traditional color names.
For this reason, twenty-four of the most common names are summarized on the following pages. Each name, of course, represents a group of colors, the limits of which have been more or less clearly defined by usage. The approximate extent of each group is given directly under the Group Name. Thus the term “Pink” (see group No. 1) is applied to a range of colors extending from about Red-Purple to Red Yellow-Red in HUE, all of which colors are light in VALUE and moderate in CHROMA. Below this simple word description of the group is a pair of graphs. The shaded portion of the graph on the left indicates the limits of the HUE and CHROMA. The shaded portion of the graph on the right indicates the limits of VALUE and CHROMA.
The survey, upon which this work is based, brought out the interesting fact that certain portions of the areas covered by many of the twenty-four color groups might be occupied by colors bearing closely related color names. For instance, “Garnet,” “Bourdeaux,” “Claret Red,” and “Wine Red” were found to lie within the MAROON Group. Such color names are listed under their appropriate group headings on page 34. In this list, for the sake of simplicity, the average HUE which is most typical of each group is indicated by its symbol. On page 36 there is an alphabetical list of all the color name which were studied, with a cross reference to the group in which they are located.
No. 1 PINK Group
HUE, Red-Purple to Red Yellow-Red… VALUE, Light… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate… Light Pink and Pale Pink
No. 2 ROSE Group
HUE, Red-Purple Red to Red… VALUE, Middle… CHROMA, Moderate… Briar Rose, Old Rose and Wild Rose
No. 3 MAROON Group
HUE, Red-Purple to Red… VALUE, Dark… CHROMA, Moderate… Bordeaux, Claret Red, Garnet, Wine Red
No. 4 SCARLET Group
HUE, Red… VALUE, Middle… CHROMA, Very Strong
No 5. ORANGE Group
HUE, Red Yellow-Red to Yellow Red… VALUE, Middle… CHROMA, Strong
No. 6 TAN Group
HUE, Yellow-Red to Yellow-Red Yellow… VALUE, Middle to Light… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate… Buff and Sand
No. 7 BROWN Group
HUE, Red Yellow-Red to Yellow-Red Yellow… VALUE, Dark to Middle… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate… Amber, Auburn, Chestnut, Chocolate, Cocoa, Golden Brown, Hazel, Russet, Seal Brown and Tobacco
No. 8 IVORY Group
HUE, Yellow-Red Yellow to Yellow… VALUE, Light… CHROMA, Weak… Buff, Old Ivory and Straw
HUE, Yellow… VALUE, Light… CHROMA, Strong… Golden Yellow
No. 10 OLIVE Group
HUE, Yellow to Yellow Green-Yellow… VALUE, Dark to Middle… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate… Olive Drab
No. 11 NILE GREEN Group
HUE, Green-Yellow to Green-Yellow Green… VALUE, Light… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate… Apple Green
HUE, Green-Yellow Green to Green… VALUE, Dark to Middle… CHROMA, Strong… Jade
HUE, Blue-Green Blue… VALUE, Middle to Light… CHROMA, Moderate… Turquoise
No. 14 SKY BLUE Group
HUE, Blue-Green Blue… VALUE, Middle to Light… CHROMA, Moderate… Baby Blue and Light Blue
No. 15 ROYAL BLUE Group
HUE, Blue-Green Blue to Blue… VALUE, Light… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate… National Blue
No. 16 NAVY BLUE Group
HUE, Purple-Blue to Purple-Blue Purple… VALUE, Dark… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate… Gendarme, Midnight Blue, Navy and Sailor Blue
No. 17 VIOLET Group
HUE, Purple-Blue Purple to Purple… VALUE, Dark… CHROMA, Moderate to Strong
No. 18 LAVENDER Group
HUE, Purple… VALUE, Middle to Light… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate… Lilac and Mauve
No. 19 PLUM Group
HUE, Purple to Red-Purple… VALUE, Dark… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate… Prune
No. 20 ORCHID Group
HUE, Purple Red-Purple… VALUE, Middle to Light… CHROMA, Weak to Moderate
No. 21 MAGENTA Group
HUE, Red-Purple… VALUE, Dark… CHROMA, Moderate to Strong
No. 22 BLACK Group
HUE… VALUE, Very Dark… CHROMA, None to Very Weak… Coal Black
No. 23 GRAY Group
HUE… VALUE, Light to Dark… CHROMA, None to Very Weak… Battleship Gray, Gunmetal, Iron Gray, Lead, Pearl Gray, Silver, Slate, Smoke Gray, Steel Gray and Taupe
No. 24 WHITE Group
HUE… VALUE, Very Light… CHROMA, None to Very Weak
*NOTE… Pure black, gray and white posses neither HUE nor CHROMA, being characterized only by VALUE. In the traditional use of these name, however, they are applied to practically every color whose CHROMA is not greater than one. This fact is indicated by the shaded areas on the above charts.
Check out the other sections of the Munsell Book of Color:
The Munsell Book of Color: Foreward by F.G. Cooper
The Munsell Book of Color 1929: Preface by A.E.O. Munsell
The Munsell Book of Color 1929: Hue, Value, and Chroma
The Munsell Book of Color 1929: The Color Sphere
The Munsell Book of Color 1929: The Charts
The Munsell Book of Color 1929: Use of the Charts
The Munsell Book of Color 1929: Care of the Chart
I note that the ORANGE group images are wrong. They are a repeat of the ROSE group images.
Good catch! We have updated this.