Munsell Color Blog… Where Color Expression Comes To Life

Color expression comes in many shades.  Thanks to the work of Albert H. Munsell, color expression has never been easier and more accurate.  If Munsell were here today, he would most definitely have blogged about color and his work in helping you communicate color more effectively. So in the spirit of Munsell’s passion for making sense of color, we created the Munsell color blog to continue Munsell’s legacy of color expression in art, industry and education.

Visit the color blog often to learn new and interesting applications for Munsell Color from art and agriculture to design, science and more!

Why not share your color story?…
Tell us how you’re using Munsell Color.  Scroll down and complete the “Tell Us Your Story” section to the right. After a brief review, we’ll feature your color story on the Munsell color blog.

How Good is Your Color Knowledge

For most of us, color is something we interact with constantly, but don’t think about too often.  We perceive the world in a blur of colors, and we have that specific color that makes us feel better...

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How Do You Like Your Coffee “Color”?

Like most people, I start my morning with a steaming cup of coffee. But unlike most people, I spend my day on my hands and knees in a hole.  I’ll spend hours beneath the surface scraping through...

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Evolution Trichromacy

My dog, Truffle (who has been introduced elsewhere), is red-green colorblind. He has a devil of a time at traffic lights. I don't let him drive that much. He can never remember whether the red light is...

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3 Ways Color Manipulates You

Color seems so obvious.  What many of us don't realize is that psychologically, perhaps even subliminally, color influences decisions we make every day. Here, we explore 3 ways color psychology, operates...

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