Munsell Color System; Color Matching from Munsell Color Company > Color & Science

Color & Science

Colour as a Puzzling Guide to Our World

In a recent post on this blog, philosopher C. L. Hardin discusses why it is problematic to think of colour simply as a physical property, constituted by spectral power distributions. It is common knowledge that two pigments that appear to … Continue reading

Using the Munsell Color Chart to determine the color of bacon

Bacon Color from Chewy to Extra Crispy

There are millions of searches done on the Internet each day. Many of them have something to do with bacon! Pictures of dogs eating bacon instantly go viral. Bacon science facts are everywhere. Some argue that bacon goes with anything, … Continue reading

Maya Research Program

Soil Excavations with the Maya Research Program

What is the Maya Research Program? The Maya Research Program (MRP) is a non-profit organization (501 C3) that sponsors archaeological and ethnographic research in Middle America. Each summer since 1992, MRP has supported archaeological research in northwestern Belize and ethnographic … Continue reading