Visual Analytics with the Munsell Color Wheel and Triad Harmony
Typically, a triad color harmony uses three colors that are equally spaced around a color wheel where the total numbers of hues can be divided into three. For Munsell Color Harmony, this is not possible since there are a total number … Continue reading

The Conical Spiral & Color Harmony
We recently received this question from a visualization major… We use the New Munsell Student Color Set in our color theory course. In the chapter about color harmony, Munsell shows us a few 3-dimensional theories to create a balanced color … Continue reading

Visual Analytics with Double Complementary & Split Complementary Color Harmony
In our earlier blog entry on “Visual Analytics with Complementary and Analogous Color Harmony,” we discussed how to build the Munsell Color Wheel, and presented Complementary and Analogous color harmony examples. In today’s blog entry, we highlight two advanced color harmony … Continue reading

Visual Analytics with Complementary & Analogous Color Harmony
In this blog, we discuss how to create a color wheel using the Munsell color order system and how to apply concepts of the resulting color harmony to developing visual analytics. … Continue reading

Biological Data Visualization Using the Munsell Color System
Theresa-Marie Rhyne is a visualization consultant, specializing in applying color theory to digital media and visualization. … Continue reading