Reaching for Color Knowledge in the Leaves of a Tree
As I’m siting at my desk with a pencil in my hand, and a search light in my head turned on – I find myself on a quest to find a visual image for my inspiration. It flickers and fades, … Continue reading

Saturated at Cooper Hewitt: A Fascinating Look at the World of Color
We got a chance to speak with Jennifer Cohlman Bracchi, Reference Librarian at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum in New York City, to talk about a new color exhibit, Saturated: The Allure and Science of Color. … Continue reading

Shades of Grey: An Interview with Jasper Fforde
I recently read a book about shades of grey. No, not that book. I’m talking about Shades of Grey, a novel by Jasper Fforde, and you wouldn’t have to be ashamed to read this book in public. … Continue reading

The New Anatomy of Colour – David Briggs Webinar
International Colour Day is March 21st, and to celebrate, Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC) is hosting a webinar with painter and teacher David Briggs, who will be presenting at the Munsell Centennial Color Symposium in June. … Continue reading

Visual Analytics with the Munsell Color Wheel and Triad Harmony
Typically, a triad color harmony uses three colors that are equally spaced around a color wheel where the total numbers of hues can be divided into three. For Munsell Color Harmony, this is not possible since there are a total number … Continue reading

ISCC Webinar – Albert H. Munsell: The Father of Color Science?
As a part of the ISCC’s webinar series focused on the Munsell Centennial Color Symposium, John Seymour, aka “John the Math Guy,” will present a webinar: “Albert Munsell – the Father of Color Science?” … Continue reading

Super Bowl Uniform Colors 2018
It is a rematch some 13 years in the making, and one that will look almost identical to the first: the New England Patriots versus the Philadelphia Eagles. Since that Super Bowl, the Patriots have been back in the big … Continue reading

Teaching Color to Elementary Students: Fourth Grade Lesson
We continue our series of excerpts of Albert’s lesson plans for students from Chapter II of A Color Notation, the 1905 book that introduces the Munsell color order system using the three dimensions of color, HUE, VALUE, and CHROMA to … Continue reading

100 Years of Color Communication: The Munsell Symposium
An interview with event co-chairs, Maggie Maggio & Paula Alessi Where did the idea of holding a symposium come from? Marie Meyer, an artist and author of the Multi-Brand Color Chart for pastels, contacted the ISCC and AIC last year … Continue reading

The Conical Spiral & Color Harmony
We recently received this question from a visualization major… We use the New Munsell Student Color Set in our color theory course. In the chapter about color harmony, Munsell shows us a few 3-dimensional theories to create a balanced color … Continue reading