Saturated at Cooper Hewitt: A Fascinating Look at the World of Color
We got a chance to speak with Jennifer Cohlman Bracchi, Reference Librarian at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum in New York City, to talk about a new color exhibit, Saturated: The Allure and Science of Color. … Continue reading

Beyond Average Color Vision: An Interview with Tetrachromat Artist Concetta Antico Part 3
We continue our conversation with the world’s first tetrachromat artist, Concetta Antico, to find out how she uses her gift to teach, what it was like learning color theory, why she and Albert Munsell would have gotten along and some … Continue reading

Beyond Average Color Vision: An Interview with Tetrachromat Artist Concetta Antico Part 2
We continue our conversation with the world’s first tetrachromat artist, Concetta Antico, to find out what it’s like to see all the colors in skin tones, the effects of lighting and resisting the urge to stare at colorful things all … Continue reading

Beyond Average Color Vision: An Interview with Tetrachromat Artist Concetta Antico
The average person can perceive 1 million colors. The cones in our eyes absorb the different wavelengths of light and send signals to our brains that are translated into the colors we see. … Continue reading

How the Munsell Book of Color Revolutionized Linguistics
Why are Linguists Interested in Color? If you speak Greek, Japanese or Russian, the English language must seem rather poor when it comes to describing shades of blue. All of these languages have two words for blue, where English only … Continue reading

Neil Harbisson Interview – Part 6: Life as a Human Cyborg
This is the last of our 6 part series from our interview with Neil Harbisson, the first human cyborg. The camera attached to the antenna embedded in his skull identifies color using sound to compensate for his complete colorblindness. … Continue reading

Neil Harbisson Interview – Part 5: Beyond Hearing Color
Neil Harbisson has never seen color. Born with achromatopsia he lives in a grayscale world. Technology has allowed him to detect color through sound. The camera on the end of the antenna permanently attached to his head reads the color … Continue reading

Neil Harbisson Interview – Part 4: Colorblind Artist & Cyborg
As the world’s first cyborg, Neil Harbisson hears color instead of seeing it via a camera attached to an antenna which leads to a chip implanted in his skull. Being born with achromatopsia, he is completely color blind and only … Continue reading

Neil Harbisson Interview – Part 3: The Sound of Color Associations
For cyborg Neil Harbisson, the visual concept of color is absent, but his world is full of color, perceived by sounds mapped to the light frequencies of colors. The antenna on his head has a camera to see colors, and … Continue reading

Neil Harbisson Interview – Part 2: Hearing Colors
In part 2 of our 6 part series on Neil Harbisson, the world’s first cyborg, we interview him about how the technology that translates color into sound works and how blending the senses of sight and hearing into a whole … Continue reading